Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh - Sofia Huq

My name is Sofia Huq and this is a grandma’s watermark story. But before I became a grandma, I had the most interesting childhood one can imagine. I did many things one couldn’t have even dreamt of, such as swimming in the ocean. Oh yes, you heard me right, the ocean. This childhood memory of mine comes from when I was 12 years old.
My sisters wanted to go Cox’s Bazaar Beach, but I hadn’t wanted to. It was December, and I knew it would be cold. I was the only one disagreeing, and we all had a huge fight over it. And yes, we still went. And when we got there, it was quite chilly at first, but the more time I was in the water, the less cold it got. My sisters eventually joined me, and soon, our fight was forgotten. Looking back, it was probably one of the best memories I had with them, especially now that I don’t see them as much anymore. We had tons of fun together. We splashed around in the water and had a very small water fight. At the end of the day, we dried up and changed into some dry clothes, and went back home.

Even though the day ended, I still remember how the ocean was a deep ocean blue colour. I still remember the minuscule fishes swimming close by. I remember trying to run in the ocean, and how I won the race against my sisters. I remember jumping in the water.This experience taught me that playing in water is an old traditional way to have fun and today people can still play with water. As a grandma, I may not play in water now, but I will never forgot how much fun I had, or how special the water had made me feel. Now, I just want to inspire my grandchildren to enjoy and respect the water like I did and still do. Water is a fun and exceptional need in our everyday lives. This is what I have learned throughout my lifetime and this lesson should be passed on from generation to generation.

Natasha Anita
Sofia Huq

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